How to ride the waves of abundance that are rolling in for you right now.
photo by Deborah Fryer This is what true abundance looks like. A wave comes in, a wave flows out, another wave comes in, another flows out. Sometimes more flows in than...
This is what true abundance looks like.
Beauty. Diversity. Each flower doing its own thing in its own time. Some flowers budding, some blooming, some done and already dropping their petals. We exhale, the...
Want to be happier? Ask better questions.
Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash The average adult makes 35,000 decisions a day. That’s about 12 million decisions a year. By the time you’re 40, you’ve made over 500...
Your mind is your most powerful ally when you use it this way.
I used to be terrified of flying because I almost fell out of an airplane when I was 5 years old. My dad had a small plane and he took me flying one day. I was in the...
How do you know when you are done?
I went to see a Degas exhibit at the Denver Art Museum over the weekend, and I was struck by what an out of the box artist he was. He blurred the lines between figure...
What I learned about wealth by working in a cadaver lab
You don’t need to buy anything, go anywhere, or dress any particular way to to access the higher brain states of bliss and pure awareness, but if you are like most...
How to catch the elusive abundance bug.
Abundance is the natural state. It’s also your natural state. Whatever you are experiencing right now, the foundation of your experience is abundance. There can be no...
The obvious path to ease in everything you do
Photo by Nine Köpfer on Unsplash BREATHE. You’d think that the thing that keeps us alive would be automatic — and it is — but so many people fight the ease that’s right...
Are you glued to the whether channel?
Photo by Clinton Naik on Unsplash Did you know that you have your own personal Whether Channel, and it’s broadcasting self-doubt and self-sabotage to you right now? You...
Nine reasons to keep going, even when you want to quit.
Photo by Luca Campioni on Unsplash Nine Reasons to Keep Going, Even When You Want to Quit. Ask any entrepreneur and they’ll tell you there was a time — or many...