When I joined the Anatomy of Money Quantum Leap programme, I had no idea how I would pay for it. Still, I knew that if I didn’t commit to changing my relationship with money, I would be in the same financial situation I had been in for decades.
I quickly developed a new mindset with Deborah’s support…and I made 11,000 dollars in one month. More than I’d made in the previous year working for a nonprofit.
If you are serious about changing your relationship to your self-imposed limitations and are ready to bask in the light of your divine beauty, then I highly recommend Deborah.”
Writer, Editor
When I first started working with Deborah, I was struggling with self-doubt, undercharging and scared to share my gifts in a big way.
After working through my money blocks with Deborah’s mentoring, I have surpassed 6 figures, had a $24K launch and it has become easier to offer my services, including consistently enrolling $3K VIP sessions. I now own my value, hold my clarity, trust my gifts, and live from my sacred power, knowing that I am here to change lives.”
Mariangela Parrodi
Naturopath. Intuitive. Passion to Purpose Mentor
If you have a business and are ready to uplevel your overall confidence in mind, body, spirit then look no further you have just found a truly amazing soul, human and coach.
The AMQL community that Deborah has created is a powerful, inspiring group of like-minded souls who love and support one another and are lighting the way for the future of humanity.”
Brittany Nicole Maxey
Vedic Astrologer, Ayurvedic Health Practitioner
Cosmic Jewelry Designer
I was inspired to work with Deborah right after my mother died of Alzheimer’s. I wanted to reset everything — how I made money, where I lived, my relationships. I was stuck professionally and exhausted emotionally and physically.
Two years later I am living in a different country, wake up happy, enjoy every one of my ongoing relationships, am proactive and positive about my money and am ready for the next big upswing — which I can feel is right on the horizon. Thank you, Deborah!”
Lise Brenner
When I came to Deborah, I was stuck in my stories of lack and not enoughness. Through our work, I was able to see clearly how my money beliefs were holding me back.
Today, I’m living a life guided by and filled with pleasure, joy and love. I’m happy to report that I’ve even signed my first $20k client.”
DD Haeg
Pleasure Coach & Embodiment Guide
I came to Anatomy of Money Retreat unconsciously feeling disempowered, overly responsible for others financially, and guilty for desiring to become a millionaire.
By the end of day two, my internal landscape had completely shifted. I felt empowered and powerful, I embodied forgiveness for my past money mis-takes, and I knew I was only responsible for myself financially. I believed in myself fully and completely again.”
Deborah’s no-nonsense, straight-talk teaching method coupled with the 1:1 time spent with her set in motion a glorious trend of MORE of everything good and wonderful appearing in my life.
In a matter of days—yes, days—my book downloads and sales more than doubled. The only thing different was me, more specifically, my attitude. Deborah “rooted out” the old stories, beliefs, and judgments I had been carrying around for decades. In a matter of minutes, I was a new woman. More free. More confident. More self-assured.
If you’re ready to welcome MORE wonderment in your life, I invite you to invest in yourself and work with Deborah.
Author of Dark and Chilling Thrillers
I’ve gotten so much out of it, it’s hard to sum up in words. My income has quadrupled while working less hours than ever before, and most importantly, I get to serve clients I adore every single day.
If joy, ease, freedom, hope, empowerment, and increased self-worth are what you’re looking for, along with increased financial abundance to boot, you’ve come to the right place. Deborah is a gem of the highest order. Work with her now.”
Relationship Coach
WHEN I STARTED WORKING PRIVATELY WITH DEBORAH, I was struggling with feelings of overwhelm, stress, anxiety and inadequacy.
I had just gone through a painful divorce from my partner of 20 years who had also been my professional partner for even longer.
Deborah’s vast scientific/intellectual background and expertise, combined with her many years as a filmmaker, gives her a unique visual/scientific way of thinking and speaking that I find amazingly effective. “Woo” techniques grounded in neuroscience, etymology and visual storytelling is the best way I can think to describe what Deborah does. It works. She is brilliant and I’m so grateful to know her.
For anyone struggling with their relationship to money, and/or their relationship to THEMSELVES, working with Deborah will lighten your heart, rewire your brain and help empower you to go be your best, most effective and impactful self.
Before our work together, I was terrified to raise my prices, charge my worth and I had zero boundaries with clients. I had a full business but I was working my ass off, barely able to pay myself anything or take time off without massive guilt, and I was making very little money.
Since working with Deborah, I’ve since raised my prices considerably and have strict boundaries in place. I’ve had my biggest earning months ever and I now have consistent income. I have tapped into more clarity and courage than ever, and have begun to build a much more sustainable business based on my creative skills and passions.”
Author & Book Coach
After working with Deborah, the fog has lifted! She worked her magic on my brain’s molecules and my spirit and showed me how to work my own magic, too.
Literally, the week after a private coaching session, I made $12,000. In. One. Week. And the next week, I closed another $6000 in sales. It was super easy.
I stayed fully open to receive all the coaching, insight, and neurojuju she had to offer, raised my rates, and grew my income – thanks, $18,000 month!
If you’re on the fence about enrolling in anything Deborah has to offer, leap into her arms right now. Abundance in all areas of your life will follow.
Brand & Business Coach,
Keynote speaker, Workshop Facilitator
In the past year, I have increased the price of my sessions and am having more JOY and FUN with sales conversations.
I am seeing myself in a whole new light — I feel like I am exactly where I need to be and now have the freedom to create from a place of abundance and joy.
I loved my VIP day. As soon as I stepped into the warm embrace of Deborah’s energy and space, I immediately felt at home and open to creation. The day was dedicated to honoring my goals and more.
If you’re looking to up-level your business, I recommend Deborah because she teaches you to create success in a conscious, loving and truly heart-opening way that feels GOOD.“
Deborah is a genius at mindset and at unearthing those patterns that no longer serve.
She creates a bubble of safety for you to explore those deep inner workings, that are often scary terrain, while she gently holds your hand and guides you throughout.
I would highly recommend working with Deborah if you are looking to uncover the truth of who you are and live a more connected life with yourself and the world around you.”
WHEN I STARTED WORKING WITH DEBORAH, I was really struggling with the ebb and flow of money in my business.
As a Realtor, I’m faced with varied yearly income and needed to learn how to stop stressing. What I love most about this work is how comprehensive it is. I never thought about old “stories” affecting my life now. With this work, it is so clear. I am happy to let go of the old “stories” now!
What is unique and brilliant about this work is how quickly I am able to put it into practice for lasting change. I can physically feel the effects of the tapping as I am doing it. The effects are powerful and profound.”
Over the course of our year together, I knew I could take whatever I was experiencing and be met fully and lovingly – whether it be resistance, despair, grief, anger, or frustration.
I would walk away from both our 1:1 sessions and our group calls with clarity, invaluable insight, and the courage to continue walking my path both as a mother and a healer.
There are plenty of business coaches out there who can offer all the strategy and action steps possible. There are innumerable personal growth coaches or healers who work with the emotional/spiritual side of things. Deborah offers BOTH mindset coaching/healing along with business strategy and she weaves it all together beautifully and potently.”
Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner
WORKING WITH DEBORAH, MY BIGGEST CHALLENGE was moving past my victim-playing game and shifting my toxic money relationship.
I am now manifesting wonderful opportunities for me, both personally and professionally. I am showing myself that anything is possible, and my dreams ARE coming true.
Deborah is spot-on and lovingly honest, direct and supportive. She is not afraid to call me out on my negative patterns, or ones that need shifting. I always feel nurtured, supported and encouraged by her!”
Advocate, Speaker and Healer for Humanity
I hired Deborah as my coach, and as a result, have been able to get into my money story and really explore some of my core wounds I had been avoiding.
I am finally seeing that as the full curator of my life, I also have full responsibility to take care of myself, my choices, my energy, and my attitude. Where I had been focusing on lack, I am now focusing on the abundant generosity of the world around me. I have finally found my optimism again.
I highly recommend working with Deborah Fryer! She is a gem of a coach. You won’t find anyone else out there quite like her. She combines neuroscience, spirituality, nature, business, and mindset into a beautiful cohesive program that allows you space to follow your own truth while being guided by someone who has clearly done her own work.”
I SIGNED UP FOR THE ANATOMY OF MONEY ONLINE BECAUSE I WAS STRUGGLING WITH MY CAREER AND RELATIONSHIP, and was feeling overwhelmed with making a decision about where to invest my energy and how to transition out of my current work situation.
What I loved most about working with Deborah and this program was her very direct approach. Her ability to listen to all of us and synthesize our deeper yearnings. I loved that I felt heard.
After tapping, I felt incredible! The biggest transformation was feeling into the very real possibility of doubling my income and how much joy and freedom that is bringing me.”
Sound Healer
I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY APPRECIATE YOU and am so glad you came into my life. Divine destiny for sure.
With you I feel nurtured, cared for, guided, and very much supported. Deborah definitely woke the tiger in me—I now recognize my negative subconscious patterns and am able to shift gears into a more blissful, proactive state.
Deborah’s work is authentic, awakening, no BS, and transforming. I am in awe of her ability to allow the Universe to speak and move through her and guide so many people. Thank you so much for always supporting me and being a model of beauty, excellence, and Divine Woman!!!!”
BEFORE WORKING WITH DEBORAH, I avoided my finances, was unclear about my path and I didn’t believe I could make money doing what I loved. I was discouraged, and in an endless spin cycle of scraping by each month.
I can’t begin to express how revelatory and life-changing this experience has been. I have a bigger, broader vision for my business, my life, the good and beauty I am creating in the world. If you are ready to uplevel your life, your business, your relationships, your money story, your bank account, this is the time.”
Creative Capacity Coach, Arts/Health Researcher and Photographer
I WAS STRUGGLING WITH MONEY. FOR YEARS, MY RELATIONSHIP TO MONEY was not balanced. I knew I was in need of a mentor to help me find the money wounds. I would make money but I didn’t feel like it was safe to keep it in my account.
Thanks to this work, I feel Relief. Gratitude. Pleasure. Joy. A newfound freedom with money, love, and life! I went from wondering if I would draw clients to attracting clients who immediately pay top dollar for my work as a healer, mystic and breathworker!”
Alchemist, Mystic and Healer
WHEN I FIRST REACHED OUT TO DEBORAH, I was paralyzed with fear and anxiety. I wasn’t able to function at work or home. My inability to do anything sent my life and marriage in a downward spiral. I needed help, but didn’t know where to look.
Deborah helped me get to the root cause, and she gave me powerful tools to begin healing myself. Thanks to Deborah’s coaching, my fears and anxieties have almost completely vanished, my marriage has significantly improved, my confidence has increased greatly, and my productivity has skyrocketed.
You know that life you always wanted to live? Stick with Deborah, and she’ll help you develop the mindset, habits, and inner resilience to truly live the life of your dreams. If you are on the fence about coaching with Deborah, go sign up with her now. The life-value I continue to receive from her coaching sessions has been priceless.
ADHD Coach
I WAS REALLY STRUGGLING WITH MY PAST. Years ago, I was diagnosed with PTSD. Nothing helped. With Deborah as my coach, TAPPING has eliminated the stress from my trauma. COMPLETELY!
I now have the freedom to take responsibility for my life and choose happiness!! I can feel love!!! Deborah is sooo nurturing and epic in what she does. I have the freedom I have been searching for. Since our amazing sessions, I am happy. Period. Money is flowing in, joy is flowing in, every day has ease!!!
This is exactly what I needed to get on track with my life. Deborah specifically is the best I have worked with!!!!!”
Artist, Jewelry Designer
I’ve since doubled my income, lost 25 pounds, bought a new house, built a 6-figure business and discovered that pleasure is safe. I feel much more in flow. I have experienced so many breakthroughs… massive collaborations are starting to bubble up in my favor, I’m attracting clients and money and getting me onto a broader stage!
If you are flailing, feeling unbalanced and overworked, or have a sense of lack of power and impact and want to learn how to stand in your feminine power and find success, I recommend working with Deborah!”
Author, Coach
WHEN I STARTED WORKING WITH DEBORAH, I was struggling with low self-esteem, lack of direction, scarcity, and a feeling that I was not living up to my potential because something I couldn’t quite put my finger on was holding me back. I felt misunderstood, unappreciated, and undervalued at home and at work.
Since then, my income has doubled over the past year and creative collaborations are opening new doors for me.
I am becoming the person I long sensed was tucked away somewhere within me. I am more relaxed, confident and at peace with myself, better able to enjoy my time with friends, colleagues and loved ones, and seeing my life as a great gift to be cherished instead of a never-ending struggle.”
I’VE LIVED IN AMAZING PLACES, traveled extensively and started multiple businesses and worked in careers I’ve loved. And even after decades of spiritual and inner work, the joy, connection, and abundance I desired was missing. Working with Deborah has changed that.
As a conversion copywriter, poet, photographer and designer, I am not often at a loss for words. The joy, connection, and abundance I now experience, even in the most challenging of moments, is so alive, genuine, palpable and mostly unshakable—it is beyond words. There are still clouds at times (doubts, self-criticisms, etc) that temporarily cover the sun (the light, creativity, and joy that I am), yet the joy is ever present.”
BEFORE WORKING WITH DEBORAH, I was very overwhelmed. I felt unable to complete a program I had started the year before, and I was dealing with a family medical situation that was consuming most of my energy and attention. By the end of six months I felt totally different about my ability to handle the scary medical stuff, and…I had gotten my coaching certification!
My biggest insight was that EVERY part of me is actually O.K.—my fear, my sadness, and my rage—and nothing ever needed to be stamped out. I knew this intellectually but FELT it in my bones after doing the program with her. My husband and I are closer than ever, and Deborah also helped me get out there and give my first coaching talk. She has a great way of blending the emotional and the practical to get you unstuck.”
Certified Tapping into Wealth Coach